With the following procedure, you will enable remote access to your configurator via secure service connection in the browser.
1. What needs to be enabled for secure service connection to work
If you want to enable remote access between Reduxi Cloud and Reduxi Configurator, first follow the instructions "Steps that must be provided via Reduxi configurator so that Reduxi Configurator can connect to the Internet" in the knowledge base. It is essential that Reduxi Configurator is connected to the Internet.
Reduxi Configurator must be connected to Reduxi Cloud. Before that, you must successfully register a new account at https://app.reduxi.eu/.
2. Enable secure service connection
Log in to Reduxi Cloud (https://app.reduxi.eu/), find your Reduxi Configurator and then click the button for more information (configurator detail view).
You can get to the individual Configurator by:
- Logging to http://app.reduxi.eu.
- Selecting the organizations, e.g. John Novak.
- Selecting the "System" menu or Eng.: "System".
- Selecting the "Configurators" menu or English: "Configurators".
- Clicking on the individual configurator.
We simply click "Activate tunnel connection" as shown in the image below.
Reduxi Cloud asks us if we want to generate a key for a secure service connection that is active for 8 hours. After 8 hours, it is necessary to click again on the button for the activation of secure service connection. The key is tied to the individual user who is logged to Reduxi Cloud application. With this, we ensure that access via a secure service connection is possible only to authorized users who are marked as being able to access Reduxi Configurator via Reduxi Cloud application.
3. Secure service connection
If the generation of the key for the secure service connection is not successful, you will have to click the "Activate tunnel connection" button again. If the key generation is successful, the button will change to "Go to Reduxi".
The service link is working. Now simply click on a button and remotely connect to Reduxi Configurator via the browser or Reduxi Configurator application.
Note: You can expect slower operation than generally with a direct Open VPN connection to Reduxi Configurator. This is mainly visible when loading for the first time, then things happen faster.
4. Disable service connection
When you finish, simply close your browser tab or the entire browser. This ends the current service connection session.
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