This article is rather obsolete. Please use Connect P1-WiFi converter to Reduxi
1. How to psychically connect Iskraemeco AM550 to Reduxi Converter?
The P1 port is located in the upper right corner of the AM550 energy meter. Connect Iskraemeco AM550 meter with RJ12 cable to Reduxi Converter over P1 port. A cable is included in the package with the Reduxi Converter. The green LED from above should start to glow.
Additional information about the cable. The double-insulated twisted-pair wire must be connected in the following way: the first wire on converter A is connected to Reduxi wire A. Connect the other wire on inverter B to Reduxi wire B. Connect the braided cable (shielded cable) to GND.
Note. You can test if the connection is working from Iskraemeco AM550 to Reduxi Controller without keys. You will get information on whether the communication is working (data is being received). If the keys are not entered, the data can not be converted to measurement, but at least you can see if the physical communication is working. You can add keys later over a remote connection to Reduxi Controller.
Communication is not working. Before going to the next step, ensure the physical connection is working.
2. Obtaining the XML file with the keys
If we want the Reduxi controller to connect to the Iskraemeco AM550 counter, it is necessary to obtain the keys used for communication.
The first step is to e-mail the following e-mail address:
Example e-mail content:
Please send me the key for the AM550 counter – serial number: 1680 xxxxxxxx
Figure 1: Iskraemeco serial number – example.
Thank you,
Kind regards!
3. Obtaining from XML
After obtaining XML, we must open it with a text editor (we recommend Notepad++ for the Windows operating system). There are many markups in the XML, so first, you need to find» MeterRole«, which has id=«103«,—seen in the picture below.
<MeterRole NodeName="IDIS_role" name="CIP" id="103">
<Global_encryption_unicast_key>HERE YOU CAN FIND Global_encryption_unicast_key </Global_encryption_unicast_key>
<Authentication_key>HERE YOU CAN FIND Authentication_key </Authentication_key>
After finding the appropriate MeterRole, we look for the Authentication_key and Global_encryption_unicast_key, where we copy the content to the appropriate fields in Reduxi configurator—seen in the picture below.
3. Add the device to Reduxi Configurator
First, you can log in to Reduxi Configurator using Reduxi Configurator via the browser.
1. Click Add Device
2. Enter Basic Settings
3. Select Communication Channel
4. Select and enter Device Configuration
Interface type: HLDC
Block cipher key = Global_encryption_unicast_key (you copy from XML-a)
Authentication key = Authentication_key (you copy from XML-a)
Figure 2: Example of entering XML keys into Reduxi Configurator.
5. Enter and choose Advance settings
Finally, we select Redout type = message sent by the counter. It depends on how the counter is set. Usually, the appropriate setting is Slovenia / SODO, as shown in the image below.
Figure 3: Readout type configuration.
4. How to resolve non-working communication between Reduxi Controller and meter AM550?
For resolving non-working communication between meter AM550 and Reduxi Controller, please read the following procedure:
- After completing the physical connection, check that the Reduxi am550 converter is active. Green LED - Power is active.
- Let's make sure communication is active. Yellow LEDs on the converter – flash when data is transmitted. Flicker means communication is working. If the light doesn't flash, physical connections have a problem.
- The next step is to add a device - the AM550 counter in Reduxi Configurator. After adding meter AM550 to Reduxi, please click the "Test Communicatio" button.
- If communication works, i.e. data is exchanged, but the data is distorted is most likely a problem with the wrong choice of operator. Reduxi can use communication to suggest which operator was detected. It is necessary to click several times on the "Test Communication" to get the relevant result. An example of the printout below is visible in the picture.
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