1. Introduction
The Reduxi Configurator is a web interface used to configure Reduxi Controller.
With Reduxi energy management system you can now measure and analyze the electricity consumption. Using special strategies, Reduxi enables you to optimize the use of electricity and to reduce its costs.
You can recognize the Reduxi Configurator by a simple interface on a bright background.
To set up and operate Reduxi system, you need to:
- Plug in Reduxi controller.
- Connect to Reduxi Configurator through reduxi.local (see Reduxi Controller manual)
- For additional functionalities, connect to application Reduxi Cloud.
This operating instruction describes Reduxi Configurator.
Note: Instructions for connecting the controller and Instructions for using the web application can be found on our website www.reduxi.eu.
2. Quick steps to connect the Reduxi Controller
As explained in Reduxi Controller manual please do the following steps to connect to the controller and to open the Reduxi Configurator:
- Connect AC-DC adapter to Reduxi DC jack and plug it to power outlet; First top LED should go ON – Green light.
- Set up the network connection
- Open your browser, and go to the http://reduxi.local
- You will be redirected to the login page of Reduxi Configurator.
- To login in Reduxi Configurator, enter the factory-set username and password:
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
After successful login, we recommend changing the password for the username admin for security reasons. You can do it in your profile. You can’t change the username admin. However, you can create a new user with a new username.
Note: in case of unsuccessful login, an error message appears. Make sure you enter the correct information. Alternatively, perform factory reset. If you’re still having problems with the login, please contact our support: support@reduxi.eu.
3. First page of Reduxi Configurator
After a successful login, you will be redirected to the first page of Reduxi Configurator. Once on this page, you can always access the front page by clicking on Reduxi logo (top left).
On the front page you have access to:
- dashboard,
- side menu, - "Add device" and "Add strategy" are the two key steps you need to do in the Configurator (see 7. Devices and 8. Strategies)
- profile
- settings.
3.1. Dashboard
The dashboard allows you to view the current measurements for each added device category.
The time of the last measurement is indicated on the upper middle. At the top right is a button to display measurements in real-time.
By clicking on the selected category, you will be redirected to the page with detailed data about the device that was first added to that category. For example, clicking on the category Solar Power Plant means you'll be redirected to the first device added in the Solar Power Plants category.
3.2. Side menu
First page/Side menu
From the side (left) menu you can access:
- display of devices,
- display of strategies,
- adding devices,
- adding strategies,
- settings.
- profile.
4. Profile
You can access the Profile module in the side menu - bottom left. You can edit your name, surname and password in your profile. You cannot change your username once you create it. You can also change language in the Profile section.
Privacy policy information can also be found in Profile section.
Note: The Profile page allows you to edit the current user. To add and edit other users, go to 6. Users module
5. Settings
You can access the Settings module by clicking Settings in the side (left) menu. The Settings module allows you to make settings of:
- users,
- devices,
- strategies,
- system.
6. Users
The Users module provides a complete display of all users that have been added to Reduxi Configurator. You can access the User module by clicking on:
- settings,
- users.
Module allows you to:
6.1. Adding new user
To add a new user, click on the New user button. The form for creating a new user will appear. Fill in the required fields and save the new user.
Note: It is not possible to assign different roles to users in Reduxi Configurator. Each added user has full access rights to Reduxi Configurator. You can assign different roles to a user in Reduxi Cloud application. To access the web application, you must connect to the Cloud. Instructions for accessing the Web application are available on our website support.reduxi.eu.
6.2. Displaying and editing users
In the Users module, you will have a display of all added users.
To edit a user, click on the "pen" icon located on the far right in the selected user's row. The same form opens as when adding a new user.
Note: Once you’ve created a username, it cannot be changed. However, you can edit the other fields in the form.
6.3. Deleting users
You can delete users in the Users module. To delete, click on the "trash" icon located on the far right in the row of the selected device. You must always have at least one active user.
Note: If you want to delete the last active user, the system will not allow you to do so. You will receive an error message.
7. Devices
The dashboard on the first page gives you a complete overview of the measurements that Reduxi controller obtains from individual devices. Among others, Reduxi records the following electricity measurements:
- consumption/production of energy,
- currents by individual phases,
- voltages by individual phases,
- others.
7.1. Adding devices
To add a new device, click the Add Device button (bottom left menu). The Add Devices wizard opens.
7.1.1. Step 1: Basic settings
Device type:
You can choose among the following categories:
- Battery,
- EV charger,
- Emulator,
- Energy meter,
- HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning),
- Hybrid inverter,
- Solar power plant,
- Other.
The Type field displays a list of devices with which Reduxi controller can communicate. A list of devices is available on our website Supported devices.
Note: HVAC (heat pump) devices are mostly controlled via SG ready contacts. In this case, a dedicated converter called Reduxi Gateway has to be used. In the dropdown interface, instead of a specific type (model) just enter "Reduxi meter" as the type. To configure the device please follow the producer's instructions or information available in the support.reduxi.eu for that specific device.
Note: EV charging stations sometimes support OCPP standard. In this case, a specific type (model) of the device does not need to be provided. Select "OCPP..." type to control an OCPP compatible EV charger. Check the producer documentation for the other settings or check the help on support.reduxi.eu for that specific device.
Note: If you can't find the device you can try by updating the Reduxi controller to the latest version. See the section 9.8. Patch.
Note: If you can't find the device you want to add to Reduxi system in the list, you'll need a converter. Please contact our support for more information: support@reduxi.eu.
Usually, the selected category is the same as device type. However, in some cases we want to define a different category.
The selected category does not define the operation of the device. The purpose of the Category parameter is to group (aggregate) data for measurement displays. Pay attention to choosing the right category for the selected device. If you choose the wrong category, your data will be incorrectly aggregated.
Enter any device name in the field.
7.1.2. Step 2: Communication channel and Device configuration
The Communication Channel defines the way Reduxi communicates with the device. The fields are pre-filled according to the selected device type. Communication between the devices and the controller can take place via:
- Local serial port RS485 (serial communication),
- Reduxi Gateway,
The Device Configuration section appears for specific device types. Here you enter the specific information you need for each individual device. These fields may already be pre-filled. This depends on the type of device. In most cases, you can find this information in the manufacturer's instructions for the device you want to add. Additional help can be found at Supported devices.
After you have set all the parameters correctly, click the "Test communication" button to check the connection between Reduxi controller and the device.
7.1.3. Step 3: Advanced configuration
It is not necessary to fill in these fields. They are intended for users who specifically need advanced settings.
7.1.4 Communication test
After you have configured the device, a test if communication is working can be performed with the Test communication button.
The response can be categorized in two communication responses:
Case 1: Communication is working properly
Case 2: Communication is not working properly
If the communication is not working, check the previously defined settings, however, you might also need to configure the device (e.g. inverter) to communicate via the selected interface.
7.2. Editing settings and deleting devices
You can edit and delete devices by clicking:
- Settings (side menu).
- Devices.
Here you can edit individual settings for the selected device or delete the device.
Device editing:
To edit the settings of an individual device, click on the "pen" icon located on the far right in the row of the selected device. The forms open. The forms are filled with the information you entered when adding the device.
Note: You cannot edit the device type. The device type remains as it was set when the device was added.
In the Basic Configuration form, you can also specify the Location and Energy Direction parameters.
You can choose:
- Main electric meter.
- Sub - Other electric meter or other device
- None.
The "Sub" meter parameter affects the grouping (aggregation) of data and the calculation of the final sum of individual measurements. This parameter prevents the readings of the main meter and the other meter from being summed under the total consumption. Example:
The main meter measures the electricity consumption of the entire house. You have a garage in the house. You use other meter to measure the electricity consumption in the garage. Since the garage is part of the house, the electricity consumption in the garage is already included in the measurements of the main meter. For the garage, select "Sub" meter and thus prevent the measurements of the other meter from being added to the main meter and, as a result, an incorrect calculation.
Note: You select the "None" parameter for devices that do not affect energy production or consumption, for example the heat meter, which is added under devices and plays a role in setting strategies.
Energy direction:
In the Energy direction parameter, you can choose:
- Consumption.
- Production.
- Consumption and production.
- None.
The direction of the energy depends on the function of the individual device. For example, you select Consumption for the devices that use energy.
Note: You select the None parameter for devices that do not affect energy production or consumption, for example the heat meter, which is added under devices and plays a role in setting strategies.
In the Advanced Configuration form, certain fields are already pre-filled. The pre-filled fields in most cases ensure normal communication between Reduxi controller and the connected device. It is not necessary to fill in the other fields. They are intended for users who specifically need advanced settings.
Deleting a device:
To delete an individual device, click on the "trash" icon located on the far right in the row of the selected device.
Note: Once a device is deleted, all data for this device is gone too and cannot be recovered.
7.3. Display of device measurements
You can access the display of device measurements on the first page of Reduxi Configurator (left menu).
In the side menu on the first page, click:
- Devices.
- The device for which you want a detailed insight into the measurements.
For each device you can see:
7.3.1. Last measurements
The Last measurement tab is intended to view the last recorded measurements for the selected device. Measurements are obtained from each device and stored in Reduxi controller.
You can set the data refresh time interval (top right).
This point is intended for the user to perform the last check if the device and connection are working properly.
Once the device is successfully added through the configurator, it can be monitored and controlled via the Reduxi cloud application.
The last measurement menu also allows Manual control of device. This is described in more details in 7.4. Manual control of device
7.3.2. Analysis
Under the Analysis tab, you can view data for the selected device based on past measurements. The data is displayed in graphic form. In the upper left, you can choose the time period for which you want to display the data.
On each graph, you can filter the display of different data by clicking on the buttons below the graph.
Note: Data is stored in Reduxi controller for 1 year or when there is shortage in disk space, old data will be deleted. In case Reduxi is turned off due to a power outage or other problems, the controller will not record measurements during this time. Also, the controller cannot retrieve data from the device during an outage. Controller’s downtime will be recorded on the graph.
7.3.3. Archive
Under the Archive tab, all past data recorded by Reduxi controller for the selected device is stored. The archive enables tabular display of data and export of data in CSV format.
Note: In the Archive tab, data is available until you delete the selected device from Reduxi Configurator.
7.4. Manual control of device
By default a regulated device is automatically controlled via a strategy (auto control type). However, the last measurement tab also allow manual control of the device.
This is an example of an SG ready compatible HVAC device:
And a hybrid inverter.
When testing, please note that the device itself also needs to be configured properly to accept instructions from an external device.
Note, HVAC devices have very slow response (approx 15 min) so it might not react immediately to the desired setpoint.
Depending on your choice in the Control type window, the user can choose between Auto or Manual mode.Control type:
- Auto: In Auto mode, all power limits (consumption and production on the grid) for the Inverter are directly obtained from a user-defined strategy. To learn how to correctly set up strategies, read the special article available here: How to Correctly Set Up Strategies.
- Manual mode: In Manual mode, all power limits for the inverter (consumption and production on the grid) are directly set by the user. Once the user selects manual mode, four additional options become available (Max. production, Self-consumption, Max. consumption, Peak shaving).
7.4.1 Max. production
Maximum production is intended for situations where the user chooses to export as much energy to the grid as possible taken either from PV or Battery storage.
However, power limits for export and import from the grid are constrained by the settings from the two parameters in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. An example is when there is not enough PV production:
- PV production is less than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is above minimum SOC
then Battery storage will be discharged to reach the Grid export active power limit.
2. Another example is when there is enough PV production:
- PV production covers Building consumption
- and
- PV production is more than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
then Battery storage will be charged by exceeded power, until Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC.
When Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC, PV production will be limited to not exceed the Grid export active power limit.
After the end of the PV production day, again 1. case is used.
Please Note: When max. production is chosen as the preferred mode in Reduxi, phases may not be loaded equally, i.e. power exported varies depending on the phase. This happens when excess energy is available on location (Building) and the so-called "Sell first" option is chosen for operation mode in the hybrid inverter. Here we would like to emphasize that this mode DOESN'T offer phase power balancing.
7.4.2 Self-consumption
Self-consumption is intended for situations where the user aims to balance export and import so that the net sum equals zero. The Reduxi controller monitors net grid consumption and production, calculating the difference between them and acting accordingly.
However, power limits for export and import from the grid are limited by the limits in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. Case is when there is not enough PV production:
- PV production is 0
- or
- PV production is less than Building consumption
- and
- Battery storage SOC is above minimum SOC
then Battery storage will be discharged to reach the zero value on grid active power. Reduxi controller will discharge the battery storage to cover the building consumption up to the minimal SOC.
2. Case is when there is enough PV production:
- PV production covers Building production
- and
- PV production is more than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
then Battery storage will be charged by exceeded power until Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC.
When Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC, PV production will be limited not to exceed the Grid export active power limit.
After the end of the PV production day, again 1. case is used.
7.4.3 Maximum consumption
Maximum consumption is intended for situations where the user decides to import as much energy from the grid as possible. This mode is typically used in combination with EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) and BSEE (Battery Storage Energy Equipment), allowing the user to increase power on demand.
However, power limits for both export and import from the grid are limited by the limits in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. Case is when Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit:
- Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit
- or
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
- or
- EV is connected to EVSE but not charging
then Battery storage and EV will start charging to reach Grid Import active power limit until the maximum Battery storage or EV battery SOC will be reached.
2. Case is when we have PV production:
- PV production is more than 0
- or
- Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit
- or
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
- or
- EV is connected to EVSE but not charging
then all the energy produced from PV will be first used either by EVSE or Battery storage. When both maximum SOC will be reached then it will send energy to the grid, but still not more than Grid Export active power limit set. Battery storage will not be discharged until there Building consumption will not be bigger then PV production.
7.4.4 Peak shaving
Peak shaving is intended for situations, where the user decides to limit Grid import active power when the limit is reached. Grid import active power limit is important, set by two parameters on the right cards defining "Grid export/import active power limits"
1. Case Building consumption is less than Grid import active power:
- PV production is less than 0 or equal 0
- or
- Building consumption is more than Grid import active power limit
- and
- EV is charging
- and
- Battery storage is above the minimum SOC
Then Battery storage will start discharging to cover power for EV charging to not go above the Grid import active power limit.
If there is no Battery storage available then power of EV charger will be reduced to not go above the Grid import active power limit.
Battery will be charging when Grid export active power limit will be reached, and there will be enough PV production.
8. Strategies
Strategies enable the regulation of individual devices according to measurements recorded by Reduxi controller. With strategies, you can limit the consumption of individual devices or groups of devices in Reduxi Configurator. You limit the consumption by setting the values that devices should not exceed. You can choose among different strategies to optimize the energy consumption. Use priorities to define a hierarchy of strategies.
To add and manage a strategy, please follow a dedicated article on this topic: Strategies for Reduxi controller
Strategies are the automatic control modes of the devices as opposed to the manual modes described in 7.4. Manual control of device
9. System
To access system information and system settings, click:
- Settings (side menu).
- System.
9.1. Identifier
The identifier shows you the system information which is intended to identify Reduxi Configurator and Reduxi controller. This menu specifies also UnitID (which is the ID of Reduxi Controller). This ID is very important when solving issues with a specific location.
Note: The data is pre-filled and cannot be edited or deleted.
9.2. Network
The Network module shows how Reduxi controller is connected to the network. The module allows you to configure Reduxi according to your internal IT network rules. Here you can select the connection method or set the communication method (Proxy).
Reduxi supports networking via:
- wired network (LAN),
- wireless network (Wi-Fi),
Wired (LAN) and wireless (Wi-Fi) network
If Reduxi controller is connected to the network via a wired network (LAN), you can access data about this connection under the Wired network tab.
Under the Wireless network tab, you can connect Reduxi controller to the network via a wireless connection (Wi-Fi). You can find the desired wireless network by clicking the Scan button. Select the desired wireless connection and enter the password, if necessary.
Note: For both wired and wireless network, you can assign a static or dynamic IP address to the controller.
Alternative server (Proxy)
If your environment requires a Proxy server, you can configure Proxy Server settings in the Proxy Server tab.
9.3. Open VPN
Settings/Open VPN
Open VPN is intended for remote support.
If you want remote assistance from our support team, you need to:
- Connect Reduxi to Internet network.
- Edit the rules on firewall for IP and TCP port 2002.
- Enter the configuration file in the Open VPN configuration field; for the Open VPN configuration file, send a request to our support: support@reduxi.eu.
If Open VPN connection is working, the IP address is displayed. Send the IP address to our support. With this IP, our support can access Reduxi controller via Open VPN connection.
To disable remote access via Open VPN connection, close the firewall or remove Open VPN configuration file to disable external access.
Note: If Open VPN connection isn't working, an error will be displayed. Please contact our support for assistance: support@reduxi.eu.
9.4. Connector
Connector module allows data from the web controller to be sent:
- via Cloud to our web application Reduxi,
- in MQTT – indirect server for data; data can be sent to another application or database.
If you want to see your Reduxi controller in Reduxi web app, connect it to the cloud here. Reduxi web application enables an overview of measurements anywhere. Instructions for using Reduxi web application can be found on our website support.reduxi.eu.
For MQTT connection, you need access data to MQTT server. Access to MQTT server is possible via a certificate or authentication data. You can define in what format the data is sent to the MQTT broker here.
On MQTT server, depending on the configuration, it is necessary to allow access to Reduxi controller via the selected connection method.
See the following articles for more details: Example how to connect Reduxi Configurator with MQTT broker? and Reduxi Controller - MQTT API
9.5. Configuration
Configurator Backup module allows exporting all configuration data from Reduxi Controller to Configuration Source File.
Configurator Restore module allows you to restore configuration data to Reduxi Controller from Configuration Source File.
When importing configuration data we can select type of configuration data we would like to import (Cloud connection, MQTT connection, Network, OpenVPN).
Note: When restoring configuration data,
9.6. Distribution System Operator
9.7. The time
Time module allows us to enter the time zone and the time server through which Reduxi System updates the time.
If you have entered a valid NTP server and Reduxi controller has access to Internet network, the date and time will be updated at a certain time interval according to the data obtained from the NTP server.
Note: If NTP server is not set, Reduxi controller does not have access to Internet, or NTP server is not reachable, you can set the date and time manually.
9.8. Patch
Update module allows you to update Reduxi Configurator. Here automatic update is possible (preferred option with Stable channel), or manual (where the update is performed by our Reduxi support team via remote assistance (Open VPN)).
Note: When updating, the data stored on Reduxi controller is not lost. The data remains on the controller.
9.9. Reboot
Reboot module allows you to reboot Reduxi controller. Reboot can fix certain issues in some cases. During the reboot, Reduxi controller will be unavailable and will not record the measurements.
Note: If the Reduxi configurator doesn’t reboot, the problem is most likely on Reduxi controller. Check the LEDs on the back of the controller and contact our support to resolve the problem: support@reduxi.eu. You can read what each light means in the Instructions for connecting the controller (Reduxi Controller).
9.10. Factory reset
Settings/Factory reset
Factory Reset module allows you to reset Reduxi controller to factory settings ("Reset"). The reset is intended to delete all data and reset Reduxi controller.
If you click on factory reset, two windows will open:
- Mark that you understand that all data will be lost.
- Confirm the reset of the controller to factory settings.
During a factory reset, Reduxi controller will be unavailable and will not record the measurements.
Note: If you reset Reduxi controller to factory settings, all data will be deleted and cannot be recovered
9.11. Tools
This menu contains some basic tools for problem diagnostics.
10.Factory-set virtual IP address of the controller
If you decide to use the factory-set IP address for connecting to the controller, you must first assign a static IP address to your computer and connect Reduxi Controller with UTP cable with your computer.
The factory-set IP address of Reduxi controller:
Set static IP address of your computer: 10.100.100.X (instead of X, enter any number from 2 to 253, e.g. except 50 which is already assigned to the controller).
After you’ve successfully assigned a static IP address to your computer, enter the controller's factory-set IP address into your browser. The browser redirects you to Reduxi Configurator login page.
Note: The factory-set IP address serves as a connection that is always available regardless of the settings of Reduxi controller.
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