1. MQTT version support
We support the 3. x version. However, we do not support 5. x.
2. Reduxi Controller MQTT API documentation
Documentation of all available MQTT topics and subscribe methods are available on:
MQTT documentation is generated from the viewpoint of Reduxi Controller.
When you read from Reduxi MQTT, you will see the "PUB" term. Why PUB? Because we publish the data from Reduxi Controller to the topic.
When you set values to Reduxi Controller over MQTT, you will see the "SUB" term. Why SUB? Because we subscribe to the topic and read data from it, setting the values you have sent to the Reduxi Controller.
Below, we have included some information on how the Reduxi Configurator must be set so that you will start receiving data on specific MQTT brokers. In the last paragraph, you can see an example of one readout and setting the setpoints on one device.
3. Reduxi MQTT interface configuration
Please login to the Reduxi Controler device and go to the System settings. Under System settings, select MQTT v3 and define MQTT broker data:
- Host (just domain/IP, without mqtts://)
- Port
- Username
- Password
4. Windows client
You could try to collect data by using MQTT Explorer and connecting to the MQTT broker with the following:
You can connect to the MQTT broker when you start an MQTT explorer application.
5. Commands
5.1. Refresh metadata
Request Reduxi to republish all metadata about the system, devices and strategies to MQTT. Otherwise, only readouts and setpoints are published periodically.
Topic: controllers/controller_unit_id/commands/refresh
5.2. Reboot
Could you reboot the Reduxi Controller?
Topic: controllers/controller_unit_id/commands/refresh
6. Setpoints
6.1. View all active setpoints for the device
6.2. Set setpoints for the device
6.2.1. Example 1
Set power active to -1 kW (export) on all phases for 15 seconds.
"values": [
"action": "SET",
"type": "POWER_ACTIVE",
"target": "FIXED",
"phaseType": null,
"value": 1000,
"priority": 10000,
"validForTime": 15000
6.2.2. Example 2
Limit maximum current to 10A on phase L2 for 30 seconds.
"values": [
"action": "SET",
"type": "CURRENT",
"target": "MAX",
"phaseType": "L2",
"value": 10,
"priority": 10000,
"validForTime": 30000
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