1. How to set up the M-Bus interface on Landis+Gyr E450 meter?
To configure the energy meter, please follow How to configure Landis+Gyr E350 ali E450 in the MAP120 tool.
2. Physical connection
Please connect M-BUS on the energy meter directly to Reduxi Landis Converter RS485-M-BUS. Please use PINs 28 and 29 on the energy meter, as seen in the picture below.
From Reduxi Landis Converter RS485 side, please connect to Reduxi Controller or Reduxi Gateway, and choose port one or port two:
On the interface, there has appeared a green light and a blinking yellow colour. If the yellow colour is not blinking, the energy meter is not set from electro-distribution and does not send the data.
3. Add the device to Reduxi Configurator
First, you can log in to Reduxi Configurator using Reduxi Configurator via the browser.
1. Click Add Device
2. Enter Basic Settings
3. Select Communication Channel
4. Choose Device Configuration
5. Test communication
5. Enter and choose Advance settings
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