Connect Reduxi to Hybrid Inverter Deye. Communication is set with RS-485 connection and utilizes Modbus protocol. Reduxi can reduce your Electricity bill by 70%.
Image of Hybrid Inverter Deye (1phase) Image of Hybrid Inverter Deye (3phase LV)
Image of Hybrid Inverter Deye (3phase HV)
Specific models:
- SUN-3.6/5/6/7.6/8K-SG05LP1-EU | 3.6-8kW | Single Phase | 2 MPPT | Hybrid Inverter | LV Battery Supported --> Link to user manual: User manual | Single phase Hybrid Inverter Low-Voltage (LV)
- SUN-5/6/8/10/12K-SG04LP3-EU | 5-12kW | Three Phase | 2 MPPT | Hybrid Inverter | LV Battery Supported --> Link to user manual: User manual | Three-phase Hybrid Inverter Low-Voltage (LV)
SUN-5/6/8/10/12/15/20/25K-SG01HP3-EU-AM2 | 5-25kW | Three Phase | 2 MPPT | Hybrid Inverter | HV Battery Supported --> Link to user manual: User manual | Three-phase Hybrid Inverter High-Voltage (HV)
1. Physical connection between Reduxi and Deye Hybrid inverter
To connect Reduxi controller to the Hybrid Inverter Deye, the RS-485 physical serial connection on both sides needs to be set correctly.
1.1 Reduxi controller side of RS-485 connection
All relevant connection information can be accessed on Reduxi Controller site under point 2.3.4 Communication interfaces.
1.2 Hybrid Inverter side of RS-485 serial connection
Hybrid Inverter Deye uses RJ-45 connector for physical connection to Modbus port. Manuals provide information on where ports are located.
Single-phase Hybrid Inverter LV:
- Real image for Single phase Hybrid Inverter showing where ModBUS port is located in Hybrid Inverter on Circuit board. Additionally picture for correct wiring is given on the right, IMPORTANT.
Three-phase Hybrid Inverter LV:
- Real image for Three phase Hybrid Inverter LV showing where ModBUS port is located in Hybrid Inverter on Circuit board. Additionally picture for correct wiring is given on the right, IMPORTANT.
Three-phase Hybrid Inverter HV:
- Schematic image (from manual) for Three-phase HV Hybrid Inverter +, showing where ModBUS port is located in Hybrid Inverter on Circuit board.
2. Add a new device (Hybrid Inverter Deye) to Reduxi Controller
Once the physical connection is set on both sides, adding and testing of Hybrid Inverter communication can be done.
2.1 Add device
First login to local Reduxi configurator and add new device by clicking on Add device button.
2.2 Select device that would you like to add
Within first step select basic settings:
- Select Device type: Hybrid inverter,
- Select Type: Deye Hybrid Inverter 3P or Deye Hybrid Inverter High Voltage 3P,
- And define name.
2.3 Communication channel and device configuration.
In the second step communication parameters need to be set correctly and are divided in two parts.
- First part is intended for Modbus (RTU) settings, default settings are presented in the picture below.
- The second part is intended for Modbus (RTU) settings (Modbus unit ID) and for additional options, highlighted with blue rectangle.
In the additional option you need to define:
- Modbus unit ID: write slave ID from ModBUS device
- CT/meter: Internal/External CT or Meter
- PV: yes/no
- Battery: yes/no
2.4 Communication test
After completing the Communication channel and device configuration settings, a test if communication is working can be performed with Test communication button.
The response can be categorized in two communication responses:
Case 1: Communication is working properly
Case 2: Communication is not working properly
If the communication is not working, try with different Modbus settings or check the physical connection.
2.5 Advance settings
The third step is intended for setting advanced settings according to your specific setup (situation on location) and click the "Done" button located at the bottom right after all input fields.
2.6 Advance settings by parts
Input field |
Explanation |
Do you want to set data saving interval? |
Define the preferred saving interval, set on the Reduxi Controller. Based on the defined saving interval data will be stored in the local database on Reduxi Controller. Data readings and writing are done based on the "Reading delay" and "Writing delay" which by default is set to 1000 ms. Saving interval defines that for every, i.e.: 1-minute data read or written (every 60 data read or written) will be stored in the Reduxi Controller database.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to set reading delay? |
Define the interval for the frequency of reading data from the device.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to set writing delay? |
Define the interval for the frequency of writing data to the device.
Select YES if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to set power generation limits and capabilities? |
Define lower and upper limits for power generation (kW). Once limits are set, the inverter will produce energy if power production is within limits, otherwise, the inverter will not produce any energy.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to set power consumption limits and capabilities? |
Define lower and upper limits for power consumption (kW). Once limits are set, the inverter will consume energy used for battery charging if power demand is within limits, otherwise, the inverter will not charge the battery.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to set battery capacity? |
For all of Deye Hybrid Inverters battery capacity is directly obtained from Hybrid Inverters. In this case, the automatic parameter of battery capacity will be read from the Hybrid Inverter and stored on the local database.
Select YES, if would you like to change what is written on the inverter. |
Do you want to set min. battery SOC? |
For all Deye Hybrid Inverters min. battery SOC is directly obtained from Hybrid Inverters. In this case, the parameter of min. battery SOC will be read from the Hybrid Inverter. Changes of min. battery SOC limit can still be performed by changing the Input field to YES and setting min. battery SOC.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. Note: Please check your warranty, if a warranty is still valid in case of changing this parameter. |
Do you want to set max. battery SOC? |
For all Deye Hybrid Inverters max. battery SOC is directly obtained from Hybrid Inverters. In this case, the parameter of max. battery SOC will be read from the Hybrid Inverter. Changes to the max. battery SOC limit can still be performed by changing the Input field to YES and setting max battery SOC.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to limit communication with the device to read-only? |
Communication is performed in two ways (READ, WRITE), if the Input field is set to NO, read and write option is enabled. In case if the input field is set to YES, only read option is enabled.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to invert direction for energy import and export? |
In case the energy flow has the wrong sign, showing import instead of export energy, you can switch this sign by enabling this function.
Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
Do you want to exclude device from the summary? |
Data from the device are displayed on the home page showing the flow of the power consumption and production. If the input field is set to YES, all data showing on the home page will be excluded from the power flow visualizations. I.e.: PV, Battery, and in some cases, Grid meter (if there is no other Grid meter installed) will be excluded and not displayed on the summary. Select YES, if would you like to change it from the default value. |
L1,L2,L3 is connected to main feed |
In case, if L1 is not connected to L1 main feed, the right main feed (L2 or L3) needs to be chosen. In case, if L2 is not connected to L2 main feed, the right main feed (L1 or L3) needs to be chosen. In case, if L3 is not connected to L3 main feed, the right main feed (L1 or L2) needs to be chosen.
In the case of a one-phase device, you can select not connected for L2 and L3, and choose the right main feed (L1,L2,L3) on the L1. |
3. Control type
Different control types affect the way how Reduxi controller, control selected device. Control type can be found under the menu tree on the left side of the screen where you click on the device, to expand the menu tree, and then select the device. If the device has the possibility for control then the Control type card will be visible below the last measurement tab.
Depending on your choice in the Control type window, the user can choose between Auto or Manual mode.
Control type:
- Auto: In Auto mode, all power limits (consumption and production on the grid) for the Inverter are directly obtained from a user-defined strategy. To learn how to correctly set up strategies, read the special article available here: How to Correctly Set Up Strategies.
- Manual mode: In Manual mode, all power limits for the inverter (consumption and production on the grid) are directly set by the user. Once the user selects manual mode, four additional options become available (Max. production, Self-consumption, Max. consumption, Peak shaving).
3.1 Max. production
Maximum production is intended for situations where the user chooses to export as much energy to the grid as possible taken either from PV or Battery storage.
However, power limits for export and import from the grid are constrained by the settings from the two parameters in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. Case is when there is not enough PV production:
- PV production is 0
- or
- PV production is less than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is above minimum SOC
then Battery storage will be discharged to reach the Grid export active power limit.
2. Case is when there is enough PV production:
- PV production covers Building consumption
- and
- PV production is more than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
then Battery storage will be charged by exceeded power, until Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC.
When Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC, PV production will be limited to not exceed the Grid export active power limit.
After the end of the PV production day, again 1. case is used.
Please Note: When max. production is chosen as the preferred mode in Reduxi, phases may not be loaded equally, i.e. power exported varies depending on the phase. This happens when excess energy is available on location (Building) and the so-called "Sell first" option is chosen for operation mode in the hybrid inverter. Here we would like to emphasize that this mode DOESN'T offer phase power balancing.
3.2 Self-consumption
Self-consumption is intended for situations where the user aims to balance export and import so that the net sum equals zero. The Reduxi controller monitors net grid consumption and production, calculating the difference between them and acting accordingly.
However, power limits for export and import from the grid are constrained by the settings from the two parameters in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. Case is when there is not enough PV production:
- PV production is 0
- or
- PV production is less than Building consumption
- and
- Battery storage SOC is above minimum SOC
then Battery storage will be discharged to reach the zero value on grid active power. Reduxi controller will discharge the battery storage to cover the building consumption.
2. Case is when there is enough PV production:
- PV production covers Building production
- and
- PV production is more than Grid export active power limit
- and
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
then Battery storage will be charged by exceeded power until Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC.
When Battery storage reaches the maximum SOC, PV production will be limited to not exceed the Grid export active power limit.
After the end of the PV production day, again 1. case is used.
3.3 Maximum consumption
Maximum consumption is intended for situations where the user decides to import as much energy from the grid as possible. This mode is typically used in combination with EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) and BSEE (Battery Storage Energy Equipment), allowing the user to increase power on demand.
However, power limits for both export and import from the grid are constrained by the settings in the two parameters in the right cards "Grid Export/Import active power limits".
1. Case is when Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit:
- Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit
- or
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
- or
- EV is connected to EVSE but not charging
then Battery storage and EV will start charging to reach Grid Import active power limit until the maximum Battery storage or EV battery SOC will be reached.
2. Case is when we have PV production:
- PV production is more than 0
- or
- Building consumption is less than Grid import active power limit
- or
- Battery storage SOC is below maximum SOC
- or
- EV is connected to EVSE but not charging
then all the energy produced from PV will be first used either by EVSE or Battery storage. When both maximum SOC will be reached then it will send energy to the grid, but still not more than Grid Export active power limit set. Battery storage will not be discharged until there Building consumption will not be bigger then PV production.
3.4 Peak shaving
Peak shaving is intended for situations, where the user decides to limit Grid import active power when the limit is reached. Grid import active power limit is important, set by two parameters on the right cards defining "Grid export/import active power limits"
However, power limits for both export and import from the grid are constrained by the settings in the two parameters on the right cards "Grid Export/Import power limits".
1. Case Building consumption is less than Grid import active power:
- PV production is less than 0 or equal 0
- or
- Building consumption is more than Grid import active power limit
- and
- EV is charging
- and
- Battery storage is above the minimum SOC
Then Battery storage will start discharging to cover power for EV charging to not go above the Grid import active power limit.
If there is no Battery storage then power of EV charger will be reduced to not go above the Grid import active power limit.
Battery will be charging when Grid export active power limit will be reached, and there will be enaugh PV production.
4. Readings from the device
This point is intended for the user to perform the last check if the device and connection are working properly. Readings and also settings are displayed under Device/"device name"/Last measurement, the image below.
Once the device is successfully added through the configurator, it can be monitored and controlled via the cloud application Reduxi.
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